Thursday, January 7, 2016

Soul tree concept

Return to the Mecca ... 
Soul tree- "a deep theme in the Book"

“Plant it … water it… nurture it …Prune it (get rid of the old) …and  watch it grow…”
 The soul tree reflects relationships on different levels and magnitude, time , change and weather... The one (relationship that is)  you have with yourself and the one you have with others. The secret is to do it silence … The soul tree helps you get through the tough times,
 “I don’t know if I will make it” crazy, and crazy of life. When life hits and it will (only fools think otherwise) , slow down … water, nurture, prune, fertilise stand back and watch it grow … the tree reflects your soul the depth of your roots for dry and harsh times and seasons  I don’t care how high  upon the mountain you seem to people we  all  have dry season it a question of the form, and your resolve not to be moved … like it or not faith

When me a certain best friend of mine (female) and  at the time we decided to take our friendship to a relationship level status ( more or less making it official)… after 6 months of back and forth on the issue not wanting to destroy the friendship with relationship clutters clinginess ouside influence  and propaganda. Before embarking on this life experience with added physical pleasures ( guiltless physical pleasures), we agreed to plant a soul a tree and if survived  then it was meant to be . A soul tree was our concept . the  concept we came up with and designed for the possibility conflict between us and for the rough times “we” might well we would surely, face as a unit in life in general and in case of a serious fight between us that could be resolved within 48 hours yep its soul tree time.
The unique thing about the soul tree when we had it, was that when we were around it together we didn’t talk at all it was about presence and essence , we watered nurtured pruned and fertilised the tree, but never spoke, strangely enough we never spoke about problems either , it was in the doing an communicating with words  that we remember  why we were each others “Vow” ( that’s another story unto its self), and conflict didn’t exist at the tree because we had to work as a team  and you can’t work with some one angry or frustrated , if we needed to communicate we had to do it with words and required harmony which required 3  elements conflict resolution, submission (yes on both sides) and forgiveness, the cool thing was around the tree there was room for pettiness , maybe it is “just us” but it always made us come closer growing something together and helped find our roles in the relationship at the risk of pissing off feminist we are not equal , for me it was a deep part of the cleaving process something most people don’t do any more and wonder why they are getting a divorce , your married to a stranger ( I am just saying). I am not an expert but I do believe when we had one mind one heart one soul we managed to push the world out and put ourselves in the right prospective… if you actually read the book when it comes out “letters to my unborn” the soul tree is deep theme.

In context of the soul tree most people in general don’t have a good relationship with themselves, what does your inner conversation sound like ( have you ever asked and better yet do you have the balls to honest with yourself about it), at the end of the day you can only birth out of you what is inside you , your relationship with your self will often be reflected by how you deal with crisis and hard times. I love me some me not in an arrogant way, I make a lot of mistakes in life a deep part of self-love ( for me)  is self-forgiveness and the speed at which you do it so I can get back in the game of asap , life doesn’t real let you time out to long or it will kick you while your down. The world is hard enough on me with me being hard on me as well because guess what ,where ever  I go I am there to so “I and I”  better be talking right or as Katt Williams says are you in tune with your star Player, Change the inner conversation in your head and you might change your life . I have not said anything negative to myself for many years, watch …( standing in front of you smiling ) I am not stupid , I made stupid decision  in my case in my head I would say I made I foolish one we laugh about it could of being  worse…

The inner conversation is often set in your child hood but it can be changed … when you know that you have your own back you face hard time with greater confidence. Remember one thing the person you spend the most time in your life with is you , so what are you telling your self I hope you’re not beating yourself up  smile.. Good luck with that and look out for part 2

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