I re-wrote the book “Scarecrow and the Rose” in the hope of softening the blow and the plight of the modern Woman. (which would be ?). In my humble opinion that plight would be they are emotionally, affection, romance and love starved, the book is not designed to solve the problem i just hope in reading it i can remind you (the modern woman) that the 20% man still exists (i will explain who he is latter) and he is aware you exist to he just needs you to drop your guard not your standards and remove the mask that society has taught you to wear so he can find you. The plight of the modern woman ..? after the economic and educational emancipation from a male dominated society over the centuries and rebuilding her self esteem in a masochistic era driven by media, the change in gender roles and the redefinition of masculinity by society, and the bi product of fatherless homes physically or emotionally creating Peter pans (grown body mind of a boy selfish in nature), in my humble opinion the modern woman (and i apologize to her) is painfully aware that a abstract era has being left wanting and hopes of being swept away and that juicy romance she read of as a child seems a luxury of the past. But wait don't lose hope ...then the 20% (okay maybe 10% lol) man still exists and he is looking for you , he is not perfect but he is two things that you crave loving and emotionally engaged . I call him the Scarecrow. He see’s you as you are not your representative and still love you he lets you know he wants to grow grey old with you emotionally available for the who journey not just the honey moon period, he knows it wont always be Roses but he also lets you know he isn't going anywhere “ for better or for worse are not just some words to him. The books was re-written just to remind you, we the 20% still exist and you are the Rose, precious it might be rare and it might not take the form you want but the romance is still out there don't loose hope... there is nothing more painful than to wake one morning and realize you gave the best part of your life, energy, and soul to someone was not worth it . The 20% man is not everything you want but he is everything you need. He is not intimidate by your education or salary, he might not even earn as much as you but he is in there scrapping the best he can , he engages the kids he grows with you, he knows how to say these words “i am sorry”, your his study he wants to learn about you, one the he is not is insecure ... This is a very simplified explanation as to why i rewrote the book, there is no formula to life and happiness or romance but there is always a need for hope for both men and woman, after a lot of disappointments and a few painful experiences its easy to loose hope..

“Well she said she would like …
(In her voice) I want a man like the Bible says a man should be. I want a head of the household, a good man, a humble man, a wise man, a provider, laughter for my tears, eyes to open my mind , a warrior for me and our family, I want a kind but strong man. I guess I want a man that I can respect... someone stronger than me, but softer than me, someone strong enough to tame me, but yielding enough to soften my edge. A man who can be a lion and lamb and I will be his lamb after Jesus and sacrifice my all, I will be his lioness and help him conquer all, we will be each others winds under the wings of angels to help us rise if any one of us should fall, a man who brings no reasoning, because it is what it is,.. A storm”