Friday, December 18, 2015

hypothetically 7 queen

Dear Queen… What if I had to do something unnatural for a little while and love you more than you love yourself just for little while until you remember who you are, you see childhood and life experience can beat you in strange parts of your mind and to numb the pain you give your amnesia…
Just let me finish before your pride and fear put those dam walls up and tell you the bull shit like I aint trying to feel him, he resembles the last Villain who did my innocence killing stole a sacred part of me and put a dent in my iron willing … dam that king something about his eyes, that ether Voice that have me feeling uncomfortable, because of resurrection of the ancient feeling.
His touch makes my knee’s not wana work, I feel safe and want to put my head chest and hear how his works works. I don’t want to doubt the way he looks at like the only woman in the world, his sacred black pearl… the innocent little girl… girl
So dear Queen before I do something unnatural to explain that I need you, you see if god took you from right rib I might have to punch into my left side to pull another one out to re right history, so we can have our own story, so here’s the rib I am page … you  have a choice to rewrite the story…

Hypothetical 6 cellphone you

Hypothetically … hypothetical

Queen … what if 2017 I made you my cell phone, the first thing in the morning I would do is turn you on. (lol umm you like that ha) and I would look and touch your face, I would make you vibrate and gyrate while I pushed your buttons (hehe) I don’t believe in selfies but we can self we, and I would send a message through your body with your soul 

“I want you”. I am just playing with you…lol
Honestly I would love to dance in the rain with you not because of a child hood fantasy watched in a movie, but I believe rains gods way of washing away the old preparing and feeding the new, and how I feel about you is brand new this isn’t a rerun of old relationships.

 And I see you… the you, you, you the one god created you before people applied experiences and pains to you, fish are plenty in sea and so are flower in the valley I hope one day it sinks into the thick skull of yours…what makes you special I picked you, and the insane part  you said yes to you… and we became we
So before I get out of bed, I want to surprise you, we staying in for dinner tonight I am cooking and guess what’s on the menu … lol you. you and you



Wednesday, December 16, 2015

hypothetical 5 dream revsited

Hypothetically ... hypothetical

What if I was the dream revisited and lived out in the flesh round two… you know the one that died in your childhood because of hurt and disappointment that trust Broken, and then it was seeming assassinated by your inner cynic as you become an adult.

I see you with my ears because I hear your soul cry, the part of you that you hide behind your attitude and make up, accustomed to fear of happiness so you pretend to be asleep… I shout silently wake up, so I send my Broken little boy to talk to your broken little girl and when they touch for the first time, we connect on a truly heart felt, and the ice start melt…

I could never make you feel complete, sometimes I can make you feel sexy, I can’t lie that was part of the initial attraction but listen woman it’s least part of you that has a hold me, that wont let me be, C awoken to the fact that apart from you the allusion is that I am free…like the Scare crow… I ain’ts going no where…

If you had an accident and couldn’t walk, strange enough you got struck by lightening and couldn’t talk, I aint going no where, if life was cruel and crazy and we could not have a baby we adopt I aint going no where. When I burn mic at my concert, and crazy girls hand me their number and thong and you watch and it hurt… I aint going no where … until the dreams revisited I ain’t going no where ….i think you get it

Hypothetically …

hypothetical 4 stripper

hypothetically … hypothetical

I am going to strip you … yeah  i said it and meant it … and your going to be scared because i am going to strip you of all the layers the world has placed on you the walls i can knock down but the layers are complicate, until i can see the authentic you, people  and there expectations including parents… and the first thing we are going to strip from you is fear , one i  am here… two remember who you where before they taught you to fear, and when the fear tries come back just know that i am here. 3 Mr Gods watching over us 3 cords are harder to break than 2

I am going to strip you of the noise that they place in your ear, they try and tell you who you are, that your not beautiful, that your not enough, that your a gift from god, that your defined by the same mistakes they worship but your not … wait? if you believe them what are you trying say about me, because your a reflection of me in the humblest way possible, and when i see you i see unconditional beautiful and a little extra lol thats why we fell in love (and we are both a bit crazy lol).

i am strip you of the blind  until you see… until you see you, i might have to get naked to … hey hey  hey … (i am ticklish) keep your hands to yourself i am only stripping so you feel comfortable, and i am unashamed i have scars to, my badges of honor they say i survived some crazy shit just like you, now that we both naked we can accept it and be honest in each others truth..

i was going to strip you of that thong…(licking lips) but i will save that for latter on, i am strip you of your old song because its got to do with your old path if we walking to together and its supposed to last, i have no idea where we are going from here but we walk our own path… not the worlds or parents … “ours” and  we can make a new song … oh yeah ? you thought i forgot now back to the thong …lol


hypothetical 3 dawn

Hypothetically…hypothetical 3

When I wake up at dawn even though you drove me crazy yesterday lord knows when you push em buttons , after thanking god for grace not walk away to hold you against push  until asleep we lay …I thank him that I am crazy enough to deal with your ass, because we sin , but we win, i would not pick another love to do it again
… I get to try and make you fall in love with me again and again and again.
I found the one … left my childish boyish ways of trying win a ten, a ten is not very often a ride or die and we ride to the end, cliche best friend  but your more than that wifey...Crazy but wifey... eternity
How often does a musician get wake up next to his muse, I write them love songs I can use my body or a pen… swet drip off your body when I put my work in … sound when snake moan we aint playing blues
I am about to change your name to Gin every time you touch my lips… dam Skippy that’s right got me ready for sin, but I am knocking on heaven’s door… are going to let me in ?


Monday, December 7, 2015

Hypothetical 2 ... healing the little girl

Hypothetically … hypothetical

Let’s slow down time and let the king in me minster to little girl in you about the woman you have become (beautiful) blossom and constuct to… she seems to have forgotten the simple things and that is … soul mind and body she is so pretty… when its simple and she not so caught up in this life we pretend have in the city

Despite what time and life does to all of us… she is still purity, my tender smile and strong hands will take away your insecurity, and your secret fears and hidden past are safe with aka the dairy, would you let me see the true treasure you are … take off the makeup and all the jewelry get comfortable just wear me , just you and me ..Light we become “we” , when its like this people can't tell the start of ocean from the end of the sea

Let me, if only a for a second be your mirror , now take a glance and reflected is master piece and true original, a finger print in the world nobody else has and I am blessed to have on my heart and and gold band , do you remember that moment do you remember that first kiss…

I don’t wana know what’s wrong with you because you already know, I want to know what’s right, the truth is I as far from perfect as you are but in this moment we move at the speed of light and alright for ignorance to bliss.. . bliss


Lost in translation....Hypothetically1

Hypothetically … hypothetical  1 Lost in translation

Lost in translation while exchanging deep conversation with Mr Gods, I was like
 “ when you made this woman just for me, how could you make her acceptingly annoying to me yet… irresistible to the inner me (shaking my head) customized kryptonite that I love to go home to every night, how did you know my flaws would be perfect for her perfect flaws?”
A lifetime to evolve together I guess we redefine the meaning of natural selection, late night talks sometime I wonder is conversation still conversation anymore or ancient lost incantation… that lead to mind and soul connection and my favorite body simulations... The X + Y =orgasmic senstations.

My mind penetrated, slow eyes contact, lips connect  flesh on flesh translation slow patings spelt out in anticapation, of souls that have already consummated of unspoken feelings that run wild and have their own imaginations for new fleshly creation , we not of this world but of this world touch alein sensations.Teeth sink into the fruit and juices run down the corner of mouth maybe just feel and enjoy it don’t describe the sensations, one soul but two nations 3 second of preparation, it… “Just was”  now is "the just is" we did not expect great expectations, but expectation came home great, unscripted theater, true thespians and life’s and that was our audition feelings i can't talk about lost in tranlsation
