Thursday, August 7, 2014

About Scarecrow and the Rose rewritten

This books is an epic modern day fairy tale/love story about a Scarecrow falling in love with a Rose, he is completely gone lost in his own world, he lives to genuinely love her in an act of free will by the two souls and never dominate her but protect her, and he is completely in awe about everything about her. This story is intended to be verbal healing balm for the modern day woman whom often find themselves in relationships that are emotionally lacking intimacy and affection or have a partner who’s is emotional underdeveloped immature or congested making them inconsiderate of her connection needs.  It’s important to understand he is not in love with the concept of a “Rose” as in the beauty aspect of her physical being or as a Rose symbolically, but he is in love with her in all essences, her soul her form her light her mannerisms, her conversation and all her flaws, throughout all of her seasons in a year, to him she is perfect as she is. He always imagines how her hand would fit perfectly into his and a happily ever after they could live and share.
It is important to know that this love is not “adult love” which we (the cynic adult of today) experience in 2014 the “modern day love” where we hold back parts of ourself because of past hurt and scars, and many people are emotionally underdeveloped because of technology and the pandemic of father hunger, no… this is that old young love, it’s braggadocios it oozes out of your eyes and ears, its sits on your smile all day it has to express its self no matter what the outcome, its unselfish it doesn’t put its self-first or say what about me, and it annoys the broken hearted because they miss it and they want it back but at the same time they fear it because it leaves you vulnerable and it can hurt, this is the kind of love that if you could bottle it up and take   it’s that kind of love where two souls can stand in front of each other flawed and completely naked, unapologetically not feeling ashamed nor desiring each other any less.  This is that unconditional non-performance love you don’t have to do anything for it, you don’t have to be a seize or a certain weight? Or earn so much? Or pretend to be? Or perform in the bedroom, you don’t have to be afraid to ask for cuddles or a foot rub, this love is about you minus the masks you wear to protect yourself and fit it in, this love heals the wounded you the insecure you, it nurtures the little girl in the woman. It’s the kind of love where you don’t have look over your shoulder all time to find out what it’s doing, and when it says until death do us part that’s what it means it’s not going anywhere.
one sip of it , it would leave you drunk, it’s that kind of love that hopes all things and would bend the laws of nature just to see each other,
The Scarecrows is a very loveable character he is honest, vulnerable, naïve, a dreamer, he speaks from his heart and yet he is strong with deep sense of loyalty, he doesn’t read too much into situations and takes life on face value, he reasons life out like a child with the greatest simplicity in a good way. He lives in between the dream world where all things are possible and realities cold touch. We go into his head and heart often to find out how he feels and what he is thinking, as he tries to make sense of the current human condition he witnesses daily and this emotion of love that’s the source of his being and driving him crazy and puts his faith to the blade.
Unfortunately the Scarecrow has two dilemmas as he is self-aware and knows what he is and his design and what she is and hers, this love is so potent and magical yet that one reality forces him to question whether “a Rose could love a Scarecrow” and a civil war breaks out between his head and his heart. The second problem as you might have guessed is that they have never met a distance exists between them, where he can see her but he can’t talk to her, due to his child like nature if given the chance would have the courage to confess such a bold love. There is a third character Mr Wind or if you will “the school master life” he is like the Scarecrows unofficial guardian, un be known to the Scarecrow all those years he admired her and confessed his love and serenaded her beauty to wind and to himself, Mr Wind had carried every word over the distance to Rose’s ear. Fate tosses dice into their world and we watch as a plot unfolds … and he the Scarecrows tries to build a happy home for them.

This book is kind of designed to fight misogyny and promoting good emotional health by portraying non-performance love and In-to-me-see, intimacy, in a day and age where the modern day woman faces the plight of a lack of affection romance understanding a protector and emotional connection due to the redefinition of what a man should be and his new role, the books and the sound track are designed to be like a verbal emotional vitamin which allows the modern day woman too vicariously dip into those dormant emotions and precious feelings and an affirmation of her value as a human being, while we figure out how to cure the greater problems going on in the ranks of manhood which fuel her pain. In my experience with the modern/career woman in my life, it was to be able to let them hear a man’s sweet and tender thoughts toward them without having to give up her body, or be manipulated, compromise her hearts safety or her esteem being bruised while these women were going through a healing process, non-performance love where my female friends could be held by a man (me) and get that feeling of security without having to worry about sexual advances and expectations, they craved to have a man emotional available to them enough to compliment them for the sake of giving a compliment and not expecting anything sexual back, they craved to be treated like human being and not a piece of meat, they wanted the masculinity minus the bravado someone sensitive enough to respond to their emotional needs. The idea was to write a story that would nurture the little girl inside the woman and at the same time tell the little boy inside the man it’s okay to have these feelings from one man to another, the thing is in a lot of adults and we don’t talk about it much but for many the inner child is often unhealthy from something that happened during childhood for example low self-esteem, divorced parents, verbal abuse coming, from an angry house hold, an alcoholic parent etc. So people are reading this are like rubbish, so let me tell you a secret  most men prefer to cuddle rather than have sex why? Because to most men sex is a performance it not connecting with you emotionally its proving my manliness to feel loved, but when we just cuddle I can be just be myself but I have to trust you enough to open up, this is what we taught all our lives and somewhere when get older you want to change the rules, as I tell all the women in my life a man’s dick and his heart are not connected having lots sex doesn’t mean that I love you at all, it’s how time I invest in you when we don’t get physical. In this modern day and age where there is plenty of sex and very little affection and making of love, and technology has changed how we interact with each other ( we used to look women in the eye’s and hold your hand well talking , and nobody interrupted us now we look at phone screen updates tweets obsessed with selfies, I would be lucky if I have all your attention for a pure hour) I try and slow the world down and take you back to the place of wooing instead of just hooking up, intimacy where I am giving you the best parts of me including my attention, I know a lot of women my age (30’s) miss being wooed, wining and dining, flowers chocolate, kissing that doesn’t lead to sex, love notes simple things taking the time to find her love language. The books designed to allow you (women) to take off all your emotional masks and societal rolls, and in that moment when you imagine being the “Rose”, to be reminded how beautiful you really are, not your body not your breasts not your perfect hair, not your ass or flat stomach, not the job, not the mother. How beautiful “you” are, the you lost in the busyness of life and buried in the defence line you had to erect against a misogynistic marketing and media, it doesn’t matter what you look like if you still don’t like the person in the mirror because you spend every day with that person, self-love is healthy you cannot accept or give what you do not have. The beautiful you lost in translation from girl to woman marred and tainted, by false princes whom you kissed and they turned out to be toads. The book is here to remind you that the 20% man God designed just for you, who loves you as you are unconditionally and he speaks your particular love language still exists not only that but he is looking for you. The book is designed to be a spark to allow you kindle the flames of passion that landed you in that relationship, that magic inside your knower that gave you the courage and conviction to say yes and I do. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I see you.
The book is also designed for young men and women particular to my unborn if god should be so kind as to bless me with a child and to my adopted and spiritual daughters and sons. For the boys a template as to how to see and treat the women in your life, I am 100% sure the message in the book is going against the grain and the Patriarch will attack me and my views, but in a society suffering from the pandemic of fatherlessness (physically and psychologically) it’s scary to see the increase in violence against women that’s my message to you there is a standard and a way to treat a woman. Secondly to the young men out there I am speaking to you from a position where I am far from perfect and have made enough mistakes to tell you not from theory but from my scars and loses, that the man who is not emotionally available to his partner and family will lose them and end up old and alone, I have being lucky enough, in that even thou I have lost  some really amazing women as lovers in my life  I was smart enough to change my ways and get the second chances I have, being emotionally available stopped me from being depressed  and allowed me to enjoy the fullness of the relationship. To my daughters it’s about setting a standard for yourself about how you will and will not be treated it will save you a whole lot of pain don’t be afraid of being alone until you find a man worthy of your time affection and body, secondly self-worth your more than your body, and you should be more precious to a man than just what’s in between your legs and how much you earn.
I hope you enjoy

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