Sunday, November 18, 2007


I am a aware I am a cripple and hobble along in this thing we call life
Consciously … unconscious of gods presence
Audacity heart and wanting to achieve before I pass are my cheerleaders
They shout the old saying “ if you believe you can achieve
Although I shy form the world confidence is a reality to me
.. but she (my confidence) spends to much time dreaming ..
This part of me which yearns to live feels frustrated by this part of me which wants to rest
Tears conversate with pointlessness as they walk down my cheek

The paradox returns
I write to feel free, in the process I trap the ink on the page
I lay my thoughts down in the open , in a book I will close and a page I will shut
My mind holds so many secrets but my expression is blank
My Silence holds an ancient knowledge my lips they smile and say nothing
My eyes are blinded by a curious passion to see all god and evil
I loose my thought to find my way .. I loose myself to find god
I stagger and stumble I know I am cripple

I lost my religion before I lost my virginity.. and that was pretty early
I found madness before I lost my sanity …
True true
It seem I have to explain to you every time
I walk perfectly fine in this world but in that which can not be seen I am a cripple
But you will never understand .. because you are more crippled than me
But it is not for me to say

Secret in my veins

Being Zimbabwean to me lies in secret hidden deep inside my veins
A truth so evident even I can not deny it
Politics can debate it ..history can not affront it
New knowledge would endeavor and fail to change it
Time has not changed it
I know only one truth .. and god will confirm it
But only on the last day when it will matter no more
But it will just be nice to know

Being African to me lies in a secret deep inside my veins
My complexion is shadow of my true form
My heart beats with her in pain and in joy
My soul sat with her and refused to be defined “it just is “
Not by them and not by you we just where
I marvel at her paradox the biggest smiles and the biggest tears to fill the nile
I will not and can not hide behind a false sense of patriotism, optimism, pessimism, intellectualize nor history as an excuse .
I am just pro life as I watch time watch us and smile

Being a son to me lies in a secret hidden in the depths of my veins
It was not knowing when I would fall
But by watching you knowing I must rise
It was in being foolish and latter realising your words where wise
It was in conversations in emotion no words just eye’s
I never loved like this before
Funny enough it still manages to grow … this love thing
Call me Oliver twist I stand before you .. this love thing and ask for more

i write

I write

I write because …. I write ….if that helps solve any mysteries ?
And then
I write to inspire when I have no inspiration of my own in the hope nobody has to come to this place where I have to exist a times
I write because I am in pain
I write because in my head I am storm and take no form , in my heart I am child before god..
I write because thought conceived itself in my head and felt comfortable there
I write because I fear I will not be heard and these words are my immortal and the twin to my soul …

I write because I don’t care if I am not heard I exist
I write so that I can laugh and cry with joking on life …
I write so that I am not alone my thought my pain love and hope can keep my company
I write to fill a hole .. if you could understand
I write to let them know I love them in silence they don’t really need to know
I write because god planted something in wrist connected to my soul my mind and thought that demands a voice , that breathe on expression
I write because I am insanely sane
I write because I am drawn to power … words are power
I write because that’s how I see smell touch and feel sometimes
I write because I am whisper in the wind if you could see it
I write because I am a force to reckoned with
I write flawed seeking perfection
I write because some times I don’t make sense , but I have to keep this apart of me ..
I write because people don’t care and sometimes I need a hug , and I cant hug an empty page .. what would be essence ?.. for those who have ever being alone
I write because my soul shivers from the cold of the world
I write because other writer let me travel with them .. if you would travel with me
I write because I miss my father and I know you hear me
I because I am not an intellect “the simple” it speaks to me in simple way
I write because my self sacrifice and my all are not false ideal ..i saw them in strange place called inspiration some where in my heart
I laugh while I write because some times I am just funny .. in my eyes and gods at least I think so ?
I write ….(there is silence ) because I sin
In honesty
Would you tell me why you write
For now
I write because I do …

Tapfuma Gerald Munengami aka “child”