Sunday, November 18, 2007

i write

I write

I write because …. I write ….if that helps solve any mysteries ?
And then
I write to inspire when I have no inspiration of my own in the hope nobody has to come to this place where I have to exist a times
I write because I am in pain
I write because in my head I am storm and take no form , in my heart I am child before god..
I write because thought conceived itself in my head and felt comfortable there
I write because I fear I will not be heard and these words are my immortal and the twin to my soul …

I write because I don’t care if I am not heard I exist
I write so that I can laugh and cry with joking on life …
I write so that I am not alone my thought my pain love and hope can keep my company
I write to fill a hole .. if you could understand
I write to let them know I love them in silence they don’t really need to know
I write because god planted something in wrist connected to my soul my mind and thought that demands a voice , that breathe on expression
I write because I am insanely sane
I write because I am drawn to power … words are power
I write because that’s how I see smell touch and feel sometimes
I write because I am whisper in the wind if you could see it
I write because I am a force to reckoned with
I write flawed seeking perfection
I write because some times I don’t make sense , but I have to keep this apart of me ..
I write because people don’t care and sometimes I need a hug , and I cant hug an empty page .. what would be essence ?.. for those who have ever being alone
I write because my soul shivers from the cold of the world
I write because other writer let me travel with them .. if you would travel with me
I write because I miss my father and I know you hear me
I because I am not an intellect “the simple” it speaks to me in simple way
I write because my self sacrifice and my all are not false ideal ..i saw them in strange place called inspiration some where in my heart
I laugh while I write because some times I am just funny .. in my eyes and gods at least I think so ?
I write ….(there is silence ) because I sin
In honesty
Would you tell me why you write
For now
I write because I do …

Tapfuma Gerald Munengami aka “child”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am not sure what to say .. but someyhing intelligent would help hahhah