Sunday, August 25, 2013

Notes on the Secret pain of men

This weekend I got to give two talks to men about the upcoming book series which might help transform your life or even go as far as to save  it in “strange fruit letters to my unborn” at two different venues, one venue being my church and after the talks the reaction of the people prompted me to share, as I mentioned before about noticing that men (even the Christian ones) are  not  in a good mental health place across age race and creed, I feel I should share it with you ,it’s actually a part of the book that I removed out of the book but basically seemed to stir everybody who has read or heard it. And afterward I had some men come to talk to me about being lonely, depression, pressure, anger, fear, wanting to leave their family children and wife, commitment issues  and some men were even struggling/flirting with thoughts of suicide. Basically when I wrote in the book I wanted to deal with what I call the Disconnect theory, which basically means we have a fatherless generation and the psychological implications of this on children, particularly men, the redefinition of masculinity and how it’s separate us  from the protective unconditional love of god and family . Basically I shared something’s men know but very rarely admit out of pride and women have no idea we go through and its nothing new.

1 It is very hard to be a man it doesn’t come natural especially to the fatherless (disconnected), its hard work and most women have no idea that men struggle with it especially in 2013 with redefinition of masculinity and trying to figure our role in life. So much so we commit suicide, change sexual orientation, commitment issues, leave perfectly happy homes , angry and depressed men you see on the street , we get sick from stress and create the secret life of us.

2 Men don’t do pain very well especially emotional and psychological pain we say we are alright but most of time we are faking

3 Men process pain insecurity and pressure internally so we don’t talk about it and when something goes wrong with the processing, it goes from process to nurturing secret pain and it’s here you start to see symptoms (peter pan syndrome alcohol drug abuse pornography excessive gaming insecurity  etc)

4 If we do not process this pain we give you surface and depth the second biggest theme in the book,  we look fine but we are suffering inside and this where you get sporadic anti-social behavior , and this makes us dangerous to ourselves first and then to you (ladies) again symptoms will come and go (mood swings, cheating, addictions etc )

5 ladies it is important as men to get him to talk especially when it clears something has changed and you ask him what’s wrong and he say nothing don’t pile the pressure just let him know the doors open, or try to get somebody male positive and trusted to talk to him, but don’t talk around the issues actually deal with the real issue change takes times so don’t rush, but also remember he is nurturing pain you don’t want a seed to grow into a full grown seed.

6 this is my personal formula for dealing with times when I don’t know. I pray and I have learnt to strip myself of ego and find help. Being a man is life time process and we need be aware of which season in our life we are at. I hope it helped

Basically I have being sharing this with men and women across race age and religion and for them so far it’s helped men deal with feelings and past pain and just life pressure in general to here another man talk openly about it and know that you’re not alone and we can share solutions, and it has allowed the women who love these men to know how to approach there men and their pain and catch the symptoms early if you really love him. I haven’t figured the formula out but I thank god for letting me be an instrument for the few people I have being allowed to influence.

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