Thursday, August 1, 2013

letters to my unborn - letter 3

Once again my ninja like reflexes save me from an attack as the egg fly’s millimetres from my right eye and splatters behind me on the wall, the car roars off the and the drunken rich kid shouts at the top of his lungs “fuck you nigger! Wooo!!” from the safety of his car unaware of how he just embarrassed himself and his race, I can’t exactly blame him attitude is reflection of leadership after all they did vote for John Key to be Prime minister and that says a lot. The lack of anger and the deep sigh that leave my chest tell you a story, this wasn’t the first time and it most probably won’t be the last, a wise and apologetic smile finds itself on my face, once again I am reminded I possess something they will never have “class”, despite having all the opportunities and material goods which the so called third world children don’t have, it was the poorest generation I had ever seen in terms of character, with that I walked to the closest bus stop opened my bag, pulled out my pad and picked up my sword which would be my pen, “ I learnt to think ahead so I fight with my pen” as the image of a passionate young Tupac flash through my mind it was time to engage ignorance in a battle which it would ultimately lose in my unborn child ,at least that was the hope… sometimes I wondered did I really live in a free and fair New Zealand or was I still in the stone age, teenagers calling me names trying to egg me, at night having to deal with a police who were undereducated and over testosterone with a reputation for gang rape and the use of excessive force, “life” as always was never far away my school master he pointed out to me they (the police) had no reverence for life. “life” whispered in my ear “while they waste tax payer money harassing you because of the colour of your skin, another young lady was drugged and raped, another drunk driver took a life, another executive just stole a few million, but don’t you worry at the end of the day the tortoise will catch up with the hare, whether they believe in god or not we all stand before god the father ”..umm? I can’t lie the temptation is to give up this fight I never picked but found myself in fiddled with my mind, I looked in the distance eyes wide shut and just like a movie, I saw a young Nelson Mandela in his solitude looking through the bars of his cell and felt what he felt for just a moment, in a slow motion I watched the dust rise and his body fall and I walked over to him in my mind I knelt down and kissed Malcolm good bye, as I light my cigarette I watch the smoke  rise as the plane crashed toward the earth a sense of panic and peace as I waved goodbye at Samora Michel trying to make sense of it, that the father doesn’t call you home unless your jobs done, the tears wanted to flow like blood from Martins wounds as he struggled to breathe and for a moment I laid down to dream just to see this vision, and to get away from the madness I place my cold hands over my face I find myself examine how on one side they are one colour and on the other another and the laugh of madness and a trade mark single tear asked god the same question I asked last time how can this be the source of such hatred. I looked at the back of my hands again and all of a sudden a nine inch mail burst through my palms, “jesus?” and I knew change as slow as it would be, would only come through blood… was it worth it… Did we make a difference? I don’t suffer from guilt or escapism reality is the bed I sleep in, I was pained that when we really gauged it you see, surface had changed but the way of thinking had remained the same…(The sound of scribbling),

Anesu first and for most I love you(smiling), I didn’t want to know your gender until you were born but the stupid doctor referred to you as he, so its confirmed you’re a young prince and when I write to you I can be more specific. I have to share with you something my mother told me early in my life to edify me, it confused me at first because I did not understand why it was relevant, it hurt when I understood it because it’s unfair but we have to go through it, but it would protect me and drive me later on in life and stop me from making excuses. It was soon after my father died about a month had pasted, I remember she sat me down “real talk baby” there was a deep sadness in her eyes but its wasn’t grief for my father and unfortunately I would see this look often on her face when something relevant needed to be explained, she starred at me in the silence for a minute as she mustered the strength to explain a truth( because truth hurts)..

 “baby you’re going to grow up to be a young black male, and to achieve anything in this world even the ordinary, you are going to have to work twice to three times as hard as your counter parts, (taking my hand to affirm me) it’s not your fault… there is nothing wrong with you and it’s not anything you did, there  just something evil in the world a spirit and that’s just something you need be aware, on the surface they say we are equal to ease their own conscience but we live in the reality,(like when you sit on the bus and they tighten their grip on the purse whoever they maybe?) people are good at lying to themselves and I won’t send you into this world a cripple because of lies, I would I would rather have you hurt and aware so you can be affective and you know how to fight, than some lily livered pansy crippled by lies in a cruel world that doesn’t know the meaning of the word mercy, when the realities of life hit they hit hard and without mental fitness you won’t survive baby, and when the going gets tough the tough get going you man up and drop your nuts, don’t bitch and do what you need to, life can be a dog fight rules nothing soft came out of my body, mama had nothing but soldiers (rubbing my head) know you remember that minimum twice as hard.”

Your grandmother, my mother (laughing in retrospect) is the wisest and the most gangster person I ever met figuratively and literally, people say it all the time as a cliché but she really is my hero, if life really is a fight she designed my defence and my offense and all my life she has being more than a coach and mother, without her I would not be here and you wouldn’t coming to the world, at least coming to a happy home by design. When you’re old enough be sure to thank her and for your own safety be polite around her, I am 30, 90 kg’s of pure muscle and she’s in her 60’s and fragile and I am still scared of her (laughing) you be wise to take suit or you will find out about those legendary ass whooping I spoke of. Anyway Anesu the reason I am sharing this with you, is that the higher calling of life is to be a human being and treat everybody as such regardless of race. But because the African in me which certain people describe as my “blackness” will be in you, and in as much as I will try and protect you from it sooner or later you will experience racism, me myself as a child it boggled me to be hated for no reason only to find out it was my skin colour which when I entered the world I had no control of not that I would change it, you would be surprised how stupid and immoral society can be unashamedly to. If I did not prepare you for this I would be undoing my mothers work and making you a cripple, I think I can hear you right know from the Ether

“why do they hate us so?”..  

When I was a child I asked the same question until I got tired of asking because there was no clear answer, and resolved to grow a thick skin and as I got more personal in my walk with Jesus I learnt not to let the devil steal my joy through this issue, you cannot be a real Christian and a racist at the same time, it’s like water and oil they don’t mix and if you think you can be both then you’re lying to yourself and people do that a lot (lie to themselves), back to your question, to be honest I have no idea I will ask god when I am called home but I would like think fear and ignorance play a big role it and men’s ego’s as well. Let me explain something to you although often they look alike there is a big difference between a ignorant person and racist they are a lot ignorant people out there and often in the heat of a moment we the oppressed loosely us the word racist. Trust me when you meet a real racist you will know there is an evil a coldness to them that is abrasive to essence of your soul.(Sad laugh) I am not supposed to be scared because of my faith, but “real talk baby” although this generation has access to so much information I have never seen such a dumbing down of a generation, and where ignorance abounds racism flourishes and I have no idea how I am going to protect you, but I am sure of two weapons in the fight ,love and knowledge, and I will be real with you like mom’s was me, you have no idea how much I love you (pride). Can I just get real with you this could be like our first father son moment like I had with mine, okay this is my personal theory I could be right and I could be wrong in life there are many shades of grey, but I think racism is many fear things coming together to perform evil and ... Wait, pause, I need to explain something to you and this is a fact, most people have a preconceived idea in there head of what a (fingers in the air quote on quote) “black male is, should do, should be, how we think and how we feel” unfortunately our reality is nothing like our percept of the “black male” and often this is the cause of silent pain we rarely if ever speak about, but if you are aware of it when it comes you will be able to deal with it. It will make sense when you are here and you actually experience it, my words don’t do the experience justice. Yellow green black or white just now being a man a real one ? (Laughing) its hard…

 Having said that I believe what we as “black men” have experienced over the last 500 years in the form of oppression was designed to emasculate us mentally emotionally shit in some cases physically, don’t laugh because I am serious it might sound silly but I believe it and this is my personal belief nobody else’s you won’t get this kind of knowledge in a book those who win wars write history(laughing) because it written in the stars, peoples actions and fears, so what is that daddy is trying to tell you? I believe there is direct correlation between penis seize and racism (yes I said it.. I think somebody just fainted). And this misconstrued subconscious sense of masculinity is partially responsible for racism (for those of you with a lesser vocabulary I basically said if Africans had being born with small dicks we would not have being as hated on as we were).  Okay Anesu young prince; Let me share a secret with you, real talk baby (clapping hands) real talk. I was born in Zimbabwe in the 1980’s and grew up there and accept for post-colonial race tensions and a very soul alerting (and that’s me being polite) visit to Apartheid South Africa as a child (again thank you Mandela) my exposure to “real” racism was limited, like for real I was a African in Africa surrounded by Africans we spoke about it and occasionally it reared its ugly head but nothing really life changing directly happened to me accept for that visit to South Africa but that’s another entry in and of its self, and when I was very young about 5 years old we had this neighbour shit, if Zimbabwe was not independent this dude would of lynched our ass(I am serious) with every fibre of his being he let us know he hated us and we had no business in suburban neighbourhood. If I can be honest with you and I will be because you’re my son, in my first visit to the west which was England, away from home (Zimbabwe) where my worth and identity as a human being was always asserted and I had never being fully being tested meaning my defence against hatred, you see my mom had coached me because she knew it was inevitable that me and the beast would meet, but I had being on side lines and not the for front, I hadn’t being in the game or in the ring such to speak, I wasn’t ready for the level of war fare that my parents had faced until I faced it personally it was mystic. I was shocked and disgusted and definitely not ready for the level of ignorance and “real” racism I was affronted with when the safeguard of being a majority was dropped at my departure. I remember thinking to myself, “and … (slowly) these are supposed to be civilized people? Okay, right, really? This must be some sick joke? ” at that moment I felt what I can only describe as pain as the ideology and the reality of equality rudely awakened me, who I was in Zimbabwe and my rights a human being apparently where not the same in the UK. (you must understand at the time Mandela had just being realised and made president and I was ardent student of Martin Luther King and I was engrossed in the dream and being the better human being, It’s like being African was a disease  and for the first time ever in my life I found myself questioning self-worth based on my race. You know inherently that there is nothing wrong with you but you are asking yourself “what’s so wrong with me to garner such looks and enmity”. I remember one night by which time I had moved to Australia for university I was stopped by the police 4 times in less than 20 minutes, my crime walking home from university from the library after midnight I was so full of fury because less than 50 meters behind me, there were drunk Australian students cussing kicking down rubbish bins and lifting car wipers and they drove past them like they were blind  and somehow I was the threat, I was so sad and furious at the same time my body shook uncontrollably. I wanted to call my family but I didn’t want them worry and I found myself at the place called alone. I had friends and even a girlfriend at the time but I didn’t want to be seen in this weakened state of mind, and so I cried all night yes me a grown ass man, well at I at least in my 20’s then, I cried because I was so homesick and I just wanted to hug my mom and feel her arms around me and her warmth to chase away the lies and the pain, I wanted so badly to look into my father’s eyes to find truth to find my identity, the inner turmoil I felt, it was like last moments at my father funeral watching casket being lowered and some part of me died and that’s how felt for a second time in my life like I was the one in the casket, my stomach churned so badly that if I had drank milk that night I would shat butter the next morning, sorry for being so graphic but I really want you to get it. Something inside of me began to harden, My mother’s good teaching protected me, strengthened me, as always I thank her for giving me the bible, any dis allusion meant I had about humanity and the western definition of civilized was stripped from my mind violently. Everywhere I went I was made very aware of this new thing to me which would be “my blackness” which I was never aware of in Zimbabwe, where I was just another human being, your regular Joe, such battles and epiphanies if not dealt with make you the cripple and at the time I was injured but not crippled. A new war for me raged unlike what my parents faced for me to be born free, my struggle was to remain free where it counted the most in my head, same evil different face. Anesu surface had changed but the way of thinking hadn’t as Bob Marely said ,

"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned... Everything is war. Me say war. That until they’re no longer 1st class and 2nd class citizens of any nation... Until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes, me say war. That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race me say war!”

 I battled with my belief the ideology and what was a very apparent the reality but one thing kept in all it an Aboriginal friend of mine named Garfield reminded me of a basic truth after we came back from he called “Walk about” basically you go into the wilderness and lose yourself to find yourself , and I am going to share it with you, this piece of advice I am about to give you is like a good scripture wrap it around your heart because it will protect you until the day the father calls you home even when I am not there it will keep you. Watch my lips open your ears and open your heart, this is our father son moment aight .. You ready (never being so serious)… “Know who you are” that’s it, very simple but extremely hard to do, when you know who you are you can face anything. This is the greatest piece of advice I can give you accept for give your life to god and trust him. (If you were here right now I would give you the biggest hug in the world because I am vulnerable right now and 2 what I am asking you to do takes a life time of testing and pain to know you have arrived and want to give you my blessing and strength ). While you are discovering who you are because that’s what life is I will give you a true north which is point that never changes, if you ever get lost come back to this point, you are even before your  my son, “a child of the most high god fearfully beautifully and uniquely made in his image.” This is who you are now it, own it; it will protect you in this crazy world. In my mental war it stopped me from falling preyer to a twin evil we call reverse racism and show some class, it allowed me to keep my integrity, and preserve my dignity.  In this war it was my armour against any inferiority complex’s, a teacher to show me how to master my mind the most bloody war field, and a seeker of light in darkness, in my heart it kept love hope and faith alive so I could receive and give it, in the mirror it allowed me to accept my own uniqueness and in my life it allowed me to re-invent myself with the change of seasons, we didn’t allow fear into our heart and I found a way of balancing practical ideal’s around a cold reality. For today I think that’s enough Anesu somehow if you follow my advice because it’s hard ask, I believe I just gave you your inheritance that money can’t buy, no pain is wasted if you chose to learn from it. Having said that, real talk one last time Anesu, one of the tricks I used to walk away or smile and laugh in the face of racism because some battle are just not worth fighting they have no spoils at the end of them, bring it into the huddle Anesu, bring it in son, I am about to share (looking over both shoulders) a “black people” secret with, you know like why we love chicken so much? (Laughing) . What allowed me to show class and not fall to their level of hatred whoever they are? Was a facial expression…? (Silence) yep that’s it.  I know you’re like a facial expression? , and I am like yeah. Aight Anesu work with me I need you use your imagination, I want you to imagine how European men where going around the world conquering everybody and everything in these big boats, beating on his chest  with his fist a manly man with hair on his chest and beer in hand, and then they arrived on the shores of Africa and the met the first Africa men(laughing) ripped muscles, in fact muscles that had pet muscles, shining glistening Hershey brown skin, free and naked ( back then we redefined free willy it was whale of an issue laughing ), standing solid as a mountain, dick down to his knee swaying in the air like Tarzan. And when people throw hateful words and actions at me my mind goes to that very moment and the facial expression of the visitor just and thinks of their facial expression. (Use your imagination) and I walk away and I laugh. Anyway Anesu I never said it was right I am just saying it helped me walk away from many a fruitless fight. Its why despite somebody just throwing an egg at me I am the one laughing at them. Anyway young princes until the next inspiration know that I love you so much.

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