Hypothetically 15 i get to
hypothetically … hypothetical

I wake up in the morning and i “get to” love you i don’t “have to” love you and i will do my best to maintain this attitude and till we parted by gods summoning one of home, you don’t want to be kissed by some who feels they have to kiss you, thats a cold kiss, you don’t want to spend time with some one who feels they have to spend time with you for of being alone thats slavery not a relationship, you don’t want to have sex with one to keep them its sound like body bribery or strange form of prostitution your to precious for that, i don’t have to listen to your converstation i “get to” why would rob my self off the soul connection, “you” exploration and momentary mental elevation, i don’t have to do anything, i chose to and then i take a knee to god, because i am the man that “gets to” wake up next to you no makeup but still beautiful in my mind but needing a breathe mint lol your nasty self trying to kiss me lol, i get take care of you when your sick because baby and your my flesh just as i am yours, i get to cook for you because well , i am better cook and food poisons not worth it lol, i get to be your safe place when your scared and insecure battles we all face , i get to watch your eyes role in the back of your head well daddy own that, nothing about us to me is an obligation to it privilege its exciting it new… i get to take the journey with you , Xtreme sports sometimes i get to dodge pots and pans when your other comes out to play and you get heated , i get to put you on table on valentines day and you whats for dinner i hungry i got to eat … the points i get to, you submit to me with an attitude , but know that i love you with one to
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