hypothetically …
hypothetical Trust me pt 1

You trust me with your
body… (naughty smile) I know this because you let me deep inside of you, you
never deny me , you know I would never hurt you even when I smack that ass and
we on that animalistic not making love today type trip rip each other clothes
off to get it, I promised you fidelity you never second guessed that I would
bring some disease inside our bed, you trust me
bit to much with body when you get heated … because when you get heated
talking crazy all up in my face you know i won’t hit you … and
when I about to walk away you grab my arm ,hug me … “ don’t go i will miss u”… lol but never say sorry.. we
just laugh
I trust you with last name, because its my legacy and my
all, I trust that sometimes ever so rarely if it should happens we can switch
places and you would catch me if I fall
, as black man I trust you to tend to my wounds when I come home from a white
world that does it best to suppress my kingship, emasculate me , domestic me…
that you would check my hands and mental wrist that have not become a slave , I
trust you to understand if I need to be alone, despite modern society i trust
you to pray with me, love me and honor me … I trust you to be good mother
parent hood doesn’t have a manual its the love inside you i trust to carry
through, I trust you to know when i am horny lol i don’t always want to have to
we loved each other
before we feel in love I trust us to stay the same and evolve, well the only
true thing of life is this change thing… i trust you to trust me
that we might evolve together, that we would be each other study
basically I am trying to tell you we gonna be fine because we trust each other…
in case you forget I trust you
1 comment:
I'm so amazed by how you speak to the mind. You build up connections.
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