Hypothetically … Hypothetical
There’s this something about you that I
can’t quite put my finger on ... that brings out this is new me.. pulls out the King me, its moments like these I
feel Mr Gods is playing games on me," you being holding Mr Gods" its not the thick thighs and fats ass but
your eye contact that has me aroused got me on that my Davis muddy water kind of sound, she is queen putt her on pedestal her lips are so perfect perform scared and place your on hers let her now she Mr Gods crown
I Watch you sink your teeth into that mango
juices running down the side of your lip, drip drip drip, you know I am watching... then you do that thing with your tongue... I
am gone, you already have me, clay in your hands but you do the thing your
tongue that make my hands cover my mouth and shake my head, and then you make that
deep feminine purring sound... standing and smiling in front but my ghost fell to ground .
Defenseless, the tingling of mental sense this … all is
fair in love war, like I wasn’t gonna run some offense, I grab your hand and
run it from the Deep vein of my stomach to left side of my shirt, while I trace
down your spine to lower part of your back and grab a little curve …pull it
now.. eye contact never broken unheard conversation about how we about to do
clean dirt... a little Maxwell in the background a true story about this woman's worth
You pull away from me slow in way that says
“do you want taste? ” defenseless Pappi I follow cause I do, as much as it
spiritual and mental it’s about to get physical, eye contact never Broken so I
know what I am about to get into, we made love a thousands time but I still
feel its brand new … just in case my eyes got lost in translation “woman …I love u”… as grab back at your waste ..
… Hypothetically
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