Sunday, December 17, 2017

Resurrection of the Scarecrow…." family affair – About pt 1

Resurrection of the Scarecrow…. – About

Is not so much about learning how to love again, as it is about removing masks, image vs reality in sub conscious endgame battle that somehow reality must win for the souls survival. For men loving unapologetically after a certain age is a challenge “after life’s happened and deep losses” … if women have walls men have fortress but also are true thespians, and life can become a lonely thing. The resurrection considering how many men grow up without a sense of father modelling the different ,ages ,seasons ,changes and stages a journey of self-discovery, in an internal war against self, and endgame. If the enemy inner I wins I will be lonely and my soul will dies a slow and painful death while my bodies awake …“ it is not good for man to be alone”… Or we neither resurrect the Scarecrow the sacred part of me which loves vulnerable unapologetically passionately and doesn’t fear pain nor understand self-preservation , the part of Ubantu which is directly connected to the life giver … love and not lust… Come walk with me 

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