Hypothetically … hypothetical

Hey yo Ma… your simply beautiful to me that’s my truth if its not already written as evidence by my smile, you say I lie I got sweet
words just to part them juicy, god
given, finger licking, treasure holding thighs, 50% true lol, you have high
expectation that I will love you mind
body and soul, my greatest gift to you is my love, acceptance not understanding, affection and most important time don’t ever lower that expectation, your all that…

You got me half crazy, at war with myself i don't like not being in control of how i feel , letting go of
past pain to embrace new love and the unknown of the future, but I know your worth every new scar from fighting my self and fighting your past, the beautiful moments are greater than the
pain as father told me as boy to real love you to be a little insane, I am know there’s gonna be some crazy
but it outweighed by the sane, so I battle
for that… because your all that
The boys Lost … he is gone , exploring your mind and body got my head twisted like 10 shots straight of
Bacardi, got me ready kill like I am
Yardy, sometimes I think you’re really crazy “I think I need to go to gym” my
silent thoughts in reply “ I love that
baby fat, Mr God please tell this woman
when you designed her for me she has the perfect body” my silent smile Lost…and
your eyes are the map you touch is the road and eager travel if you can understand that.

Old and grey hopefully... not right now we have time , but one day, when we are 60 years young, I am a look
at you like … like it was the first day in my head will be like “she still got
the fast ass, she still has a sharp mind, she has the tender soul, she still
has crazy mouth that pleased my body and inspired my soul,
and said random insane shit that drove
me half-crazy, it was a 50/ 50 lol can you handle that... on my tombstone i want to engrave ... i married Queen and she was all that
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