Monday, December 7, 2015

Lost in translation....Hypothetically1

Hypothetically … hypothetical  1 Lost in translation

Lost in translation while exchanging deep conversation with Mr Gods, I was like
 “ when you made this woman just for me, how could you make her acceptingly annoying to me yet… irresistible to the inner me (shaking my head) customized kryptonite that I love to go home to every night, how did you know my flaws would be perfect for her perfect flaws?”
A lifetime to evolve together I guess we redefine the meaning of natural selection, late night talks sometime I wonder is conversation still conversation anymore or ancient lost incantation… that lead to mind and soul connection and my favorite body simulations... The X + Y =orgasmic senstations.

My mind penetrated, slow eyes contact, lips connect  flesh on flesh translation slow patings spelt out in anticapation, of souls that have already consummated of unspoken feelings that run wild and have their own imaginations for new fleshly creation , we not of this world but of this world touch alein sensations.Teeth sink into the fruit and juices run down the corner of mouth maybe just feel and enjoy it don’t describe the sensations, one soul but two nations 3 second of preparation, it… “Just was”  now is "the just is" we did not expect great expectations, but expectation came home great, unscripted theater, true thespians and life’s and that was our audition feelings i can't talk about lost in tranlsation


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