Cloud "Son, i have never lied to you about who we are ,but i have never explained what we are fully, you will not fight behind me but my side of me when or enemy comes and i have kept him dormant until now"
Storm "Bigger faster stronger smater more agile no rules what so ever
Cloud "Yes him... i am tap you you on the chest 7 times and will listen to the voice"....
.... "What are Sevens
Faces and visages all around us the covers to books and scripts, the choices we make the way we live life, the way we treat each other and yet we have no idea how important its is we seem to take this part of us which makes us human for granted .The way we treat each other that is, our actions and choices the ink to the pages in our “book of life” each and every individual telling a story I guess that’s why everybody has a “story”.. if you don’t have a story then I guess that is your story...
It Makes you want to dare to wonder how big gods library is?
With that how many people know about the love of a father for his son , a mother for her child ,the secret love and language of two lovers, the eyes looking up of a child to a parent knowing but not knowing, the bonds of brother hood forged in the fire pure and strong,
the moments before death the craving for just one more second one last breathe one last word maybe a second a chance .. Maybe when we realize we love life.. we love some else besides our self , to know any of this is to know god consciously or unconsciously … the question know lies in how many of us want a better understanding of god amidst the knowledge man acquires, he is (god the great spirit in the sky whatever name you might know him by) beyond conception, but how well do you know the mysteries of him, how he does reveal him self to you , despite the bars or religious belief and limited mind .
The world is full mysteries many of which we know and many of which we know nothing of, and most times it just better that way.
As I take a bite of the fruit and the juice causes the sensation so sweet.. .. . .. this taste as it correlate’s in my mouth a little juice running down my lower lip falling free…. Free …free is another one those funny funny words.
Choice …? My mind travels to when a man and woman did the same and changed the world for ever, knowledge, sin transgression, iniquity, power love, smiles tears good and evil.. .. falling free , tingling through our beings, raging through our being sparking synapse perception and understanding, time and fate
Becoming a bit blurred. The birth of the sevens ,the lacking, and redemption.
What is a seven I hear you ask alas we start to get to the point of this intrepid tale ?
According to genesis It took Seven days and 7 nights, for the world to be made, the world is experienced through 7 days in a week, we seem to have seven sins pride, envy sloth greed anger gluttony and lust in the end there will be seven laps, 7 scrolls seven seals, seven spirits, seven angels, seven horns blown , a lamb with seven horns, and eyes…seven horns will be sounded , to fight the seven sin’s man has the seven contrary Virtues: humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence virtues .. I am assuming you are starting to get the picture about the number seven, there is always talk of the seven sea’s .. if a demon leaves and returns it comes back to the occupant with seven demons worse than its self …Sevens a coincidence or something more , what is it about this number seven ? .. ummm even in legend the number seven cant help but .. pop up the seven demons of kemonei , the seven swords of Ishai?
I am not sure but his father passed away when he was seven to? With that and these coincidences, the sevens legend is said to have occurred at the beginning of time. They say the best ways to hide something from people are as follow one put it in book .. maybe the bible the Quran a comic, but never the less in a book reading has become the forgotten art in a world where every one downloads everything, the second is to put it right in front of people , the best lies have hints of truth in them .. legends comics folk tales urban legend, know a days make a movies about something and mans mind defeats self by not dreaming.. or as they like to say we are desensitized … we are desensitized if we cant break it down to a science and we can conceive it.. perception is reality ..but reality is not perception..a woman might look pretty on the outside but she might be ugly inside mean and vengeful .. am man might have a lot of money but his poor character .. Perception..?. the three monkeys’ do no evil see no evil hear no evil, well it seems all they had to do was show some evil and lets hear some evil while they did all evil , and then people don’t really care about evil.. evil losses it true faces as it hides behind our sense of self preservation (in other words fear) .. then we don’t believe or if we don’t understand it we simply get scared and kill it.. or hide it.
You look shocked but the truth tells no lies .. But most common we hide it .. what is it ? it is different for everybody long as we can and hope to forget it.. If it re emerges we smother it .. You cant make magic for those who don’t believe in it, when we stop dreaming and believing in our dreams we loose something vital to survival.. .. sorry to the survival of the soul strange enough it is self sacrifice … sight and having eye’s doesn’t mean one has vision .. what then happens to the concept of the soul is that it becomes obscure we for get we are immortals, sad to say but many welcome defeat without acknowledging it, and well to often don’t know how to fight for themselves . We forget that we have immortal souls ummm ? (think about it).. . The sevens legend goes like this .. it based on the bible creation of world accurate or in accurate as it may be ,when god decided to give seven ordinary half beings extraordinary power as men , to be precise they say when Satan took/deceived 1/3 of the angels and was cast to earth seven angels changed their minds as they descended, and fort against the force of the fall , but as is with god will, thy will be done …… but in trying to resist the fall and gods forgiving nature they still landed on earth with but only one wing in tact, as such it is said they where granted a wish to become mortal men but as they still had one wing in essence they were still divine.. in essence? And still very undecided they were neither good nor bad .. they were given men greatest gift choice .., ordained with interesting ability but still mortal men.
Before we go further you must understand this Adam used to speak directly to god but when fell from glory this was quiet possible again until the second Adam.. Seraphim and cherubim stood between the two because of sin . The sevens where taken into the ether and reborn as ordinary men over seventy years ..
know back to the story ..
.. and as man craves power the plot thickened, picture seven powerful human beings on earth, waiting for time and providence to choose there place in life, with all strengths of an angel or demon depending on their choices, like all men they would be born fallen so they had all the flaws of a man. And as men they had the greatest freedom we have which is that we are bound to make a choice , they say “any man can face adversity the true test of man is when he is given power”, oh yes after all the lord did say go forth and multiply so over time they mixed and blended among mankind..? Curious … then come on take a journey with me.
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