Friday, May 18, 2018

Confessionz15 Your artistry (su)

You catch me staring at you in the morning like the sunrise, Mr Godz artisty....
Saying my silent pray of gratitude like she crazy but she is one of the most beautiful part of me… (yes sir)

Intelligent sexy compassionate nectar sweetness  understanding  wise , strong and mighty… might  I say politely  despite history  you stayed strong and kept the elegance grace and essence of your femininity…
You make me laugh smile drive me crazy because of u and about u that phenomenal Ubantu and focused my rib not my property …and still talk to me properly truly Mr Godz artistry.
It was and wasn’t easy to ask you marry me different but somehow you mirror my souls me
You came whole as I did but somehow  complete when we become “we”…
The natural mystic in her eyes that panther tiger and lion her hearts philosophy…
I remember when I asked the angelz  “can she be part of me ?”  looking deep into your eyes next level astrology , I touched you heart once richness deeper than the Mali empire Economy …I kiss lips  and ask Mr Go again what happening to me..
Resurrection you have woken the love in me

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