Monday, June 19, 2017

5ps lunch note to future wife 28

They have no idea what i would do to protect you in this world from this world, as man i was given  the 5p's of being husband, and a father, they are harder for me to do in truth most me struggle with them, the easy part for me is being your lover.

Protector to be your covering to become war on feet, a shield from attacks  a spear and master in the art of war if there be offense to our family and up lifter from the small defeats. There are few times it will happen but as a man I have frailties so, for the god of our family we switch when I am feeling weak, I would not let my pride hurt the us and make us fall, Like Mr God My strength  will always be there on time but maybe not when you call…

Provider… my arms might not always be swole but doing all I can to keep our pockets swole I will provide more than money for us a pair of arms that hold you and try to make you feel more whole, I provide friendship , vision comedy and wisdom  and moments of foolishness so you can be the wise one, I provide comradery, love is a giver I am not too proud to take but that’s why Mr Gods designed me a provider.

Promoter my jobs to build you up not to tear you down as i see alot couple fight over pertty things but thats not why i got this ring, in a world that encourages low self-esteem and messes with the psyche I remind you when we started out we had a dream, i remind you the your beautiful and precious, delicately strong, uniquely crafted , god master peice and a citizen of heaven right here on earth and have always being in my pipe lines dreams, your my franchise player and I and I am going to endorse you.

Prophet my jobs to paint a picture of how good it’s going to be in the long run the end game of accepting my last name , tommorrows never promised  so promise to love you today every day ,  as i move from boy to man (lol) i make love  to you, to the end of the road and i will never let go ... the we shall walk i am unsure, i can guarantuee to be there to the end 

Priest to pray with you before i lay down next to you, three cords are not easily broken when holy words are spoken , songs of solomon  and palms of gensis in silent kisses and the words are not taken a soul awkens . Nobody can love you like me  accept you ,so nody will pray for you like me  and ask Mr Gods in absence to be your protector, provider , promoter priest and prophet  until i get home 

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