Monday, July 16, 2018

Return to the Mecca 10 The revenge of 7 minds

1 7 days and 7even knightz total satisfaction guaranteed liked I have 7even wives
2 7evens souls sent to hell one bullet yet I took 7even lives
3 They tried to wrap around my family tree and twist my history with Seven vines
4 They lied to my people more then seven times the “forked tongue one” spoke with  and of 7even crime while his cronies stole the jewels from scared mines
5 You can’t lie to the Cloud when Mr Godz blessed me with the power of 7even minds
6 They tied me to tree for treason and whipped me 7 times they hoped and I would but I was resurrected by the hand of the almighty 7even times.
7 Pay back was bitch I killed them on mic only using seven ryhmes

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