Thursday, June 21, 2018

To be your daily bread Confessionz 26

To be your daily bread Confessionz 25

Woman what’s wrong with you ? why are you eating the crumbs from world when you could sink your teeth into me, I promise to be your daily bread, can i have a moment straighten the crown  on your head " she mumbles "go ahaed" there is no need for that fear in your eye's i am not here to hurt you need to be scared.
“Does my ass look big in this?” “Hell yeah the way I like it i will tap it , if want i will gift wrap it”... Don’t make me come over there and nibble on your jiggly bits you redefine baby phat and like that like facebook boast be my guest i will be the host, if you wana lose weight we do it in the bedroom enough has being said…
The worlds full of fear and anxiety but I can be your safe place my chest and your head , and I will always have a poem to let you know you’re a queen and gods daughter when you feel a little scared
I laugh to myself as I remember innocence, random kisses locked eye’s and tongues that don’t lie, when we part anticipation of your turn, passion so hot my soul burned… I was thinking about falling in love but the you pushed me off the edge.

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