Tuesday, March 14, 2017

You will always feel love in me ...letter to my future wife 36

Queen … if I could give you one gift in this life time and Mr Gods told me you have 10 minutes before I call you home talk to her son. I would only ask him for one thing “Lord give her the ability to see herself through my eye’s maybe then she will realize how precious she is not only to me but the world and everything she touches, you can tell her my dark secret that sometimes I get jealous childishly to the fact that I have to share her precious time with the people of this world who don’t see what I see a Cloud walkeress my Queen.

Should you ever fall from grace ...  and just to make it clear that’s just impossible in my eye’s but not to the world , my face  will the first that you see with a smile of comfort to give you confidence your safe place… my hand will be the first one to reach out to pull you up  cover you and need be wage war… my soul will take shirt off its own back cover nakedness , these lips my lungs will perform self esteem CPR until I can restore shine to dim they put on your star, if only you could see through my eyes who you are.

Beautiful is not what I call you it’s just the name on your birth certificate the doctor’s office forgot to write down and Mr Gods sent me here personally to remind you of. Precious is not what you are but what’s intricately woven into your whole being and soul in your aura and radiates through your expression and your eyes betray it the preciousness all the time, sexy Dear lord don’t get me started  it’s like all my sense get bombarded my eyes are canvas that’s why is stare so hard and you...  all of you, your walk, talk  sass ,attitude ,skin, smell all are the  genius of mad artist sexy 

Babe you’re a diamond in my eye not so much because you beautiful and you are eternally will always be, but simply because they can't break you I marvel at your strength and resilience, I love how you take pride in your scars they your scars that is don’t mean your damaged goods, they simply tell a story of some who went to war had wins and looses but got the victory but most of tell the story of things you don’t speak but simply survived, which explains the tenacity in your eye’s the confidence that beams as light from you sour soul unbreakable  babe you’re a diamond in my eyes 

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