Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Q & A What is letters to my future wife real or just creative work ?

Question … Is the creative work “letters to my future wife” just a creative work, or is meant for a real future wife ?  and if it’s the latter how do I get on the list ,Chrissy ?

My dear friend Chrissy thanks you for the pic look good woman on the radar and the question … This is my disclaimer for you once you go Black there is no returning from the Dark side no Jedi’s are coming to get you lol... It’s a joke (sisters be like TSSS take him he aint shit anyway)… Chrissy it’s both the works a lot things in honesty, it’s prophetic , it’s a gift,  its disclaimer warning, it creative advertising, and it’s a vicarious way of sharing me with certain women in my life (if they allowed  polygamy…don’t judge me blame Akon) lol.

Prophetic in that I am in a season of my life where I don’t date looking for a girlfriend in reality I don’t date  I get laid but date nah, I am single because I am picky but I am in a season of my life where I am ready to settle down. If I commit to an official relationship it because I have long to term feeling of you to be a wifey material, there is nothing worse than giving your precious time...  fuck money my time ( I can make more money but once times gone its gone Mr God doesn’t care who you… that why people who get divorced are so bitter) . I can see me settling down in the next 2 years I have huge group of amazing women in life as friend some are feeling me vice versa . prophetic …

Gift It’s a gift to that unknown person in that my father always told me you can give her stuff or you can give her you (an intangible) My father was a powerful executive he travelled all over the world and showered mom with gifts accept  one which him... My father with his bare hands built my mother a rose garden which he maintained with his bare hand … Don’t be getting Idea’s I am city boy, the only green touch I have is when smoke a (snitching on yourself)  I mean when I eat vegetables but my craft “words”  is my rose garden for her the greatest most intimate part of me I could give her… Who my father was in the world and his humbling self to give her that in blood swet doing personally explained to mother how he felt and what she meant to him  … he easily could paid people to do it he didn’t if you don’t get sorry you were never brought up around real love …

 Warning and disclaimer … lol  that’s self-explanatory “I am crazy the good won’t beat your ass crazy won’t leave your ass crazy might come drunk crazy” we live in a society where people have mastered image over who you are and where you are emotionally, I personally call it fraud and false advertising “red lights run”.
I dated a gorgeous model at 20 she made me feel suicidal with her issues and how she treated and what she expected of me worst 13 days of my life never again …. as I say “I prefer a novel over a a magazine I will sacrifice looks for personality”  feminist can kiss my ass. Intimacy =In -to -me -see, show me the real you  flaws and all, I am bound to wake up next to them sooner or later  no makeup drunk  going through a life crisis just show me you , I will  show you me if our pyscho’ as I call them can co habitat we have a chance …next show me your broken I will show mine (can you accept them) , I am not perfect I don’t expect perfect, when people act perfect in the real world they scare me … The warning is  and disclaimer is this is who I am can you deal with it and please just please don’t fake who you I can deal with evolution just not fake …who I was at 21 is no who I was at 25  who I was 30  who I am … and what I will become it’s called knowing your season I can deal with evolving  no falseness …

Creative  marketing … hehehe again self-explanatory like energy will attract like energy or opposite attracts spiritual law, just pushing truths . I love to laugh life’s to hard not to laugh and I have met a lot people in relationships lonely there is way to change or a way out… a lot things  really  idea’s and concepts …but just letting women know  80%er’s we out here looking for you but you need to look for us to we meet in middle … no dating apps

Vicarious sharing of me … that’s more pysch than anything else  simplified as human beings we all have psych need to feel alive , to avoid emotional cheating, I just put what think emotional vitamin for day is .. as for how do you get in line lol … stay in the line who know, I do believe I know who she is (my future wife) but we are friends and I need to deal with a distance issue.. but yeah the  letter are my rose garden …

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