Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Q & A ... where does all the creativity come from and how can you be so diverse and consistent?

Question … where does all the creativity come from and how can you be so diverse and consistent?  

To answer u Tracy , in 3 words “I am crazy” but the good kind of crazy? As in the crazy enough to love m me lol… I could write a whole book on what works for  me and I might next year thanks for the idea lol… royalties (wink).. Malcom X said best without confidence you loose the race before you even run ... 

 Seriously I spend a lot time alone so I can hear myself, trust myself, learn to love myself because I can only give to the world what I give to me first … fully embrace and accept me and learn not to be hard on me but to encourage myself like David in the bible…so that’s a deep element to the creative side to when you create that kind of mental environment inside your head it will flow trust me , I am alpha male when I first heard of it and tried I am like this some corny BS but the change was  Deep... 

 Time alone also allows for clarity, intention honesty focus and it allow as you to banish fear. Alone also allows me to tap into what I call the forever source or in my writings “Mr God. Consistent, trusting the gifts I have and keep my minds blade sharp with study not just book and youtube a student of life watch people and society, a ridiculously amazing team of people I work with or collaborate with awesome mentors who get me and encourage me to me to be me no version of them mentally to be me  and father always told me “the hardest thing in life you will ever do is being a individual”…I am scarecrow I simply slow everything down almost like I in third person and quietly observe humanity  50 cent said it best “ real life’s stranger than the fiction”. And for both essential is the Truth, not the narrative I tell me to keep my sanity …the truth, not the narratives the world like to bombard us with no just truth.  My last words  we are all different find your process” personal legend” and how to get into flow that works for you and then work it.

Speaking of honesty what keeps me both in this season of my life … is rather simple there some very Broken and twisted in the ranks  of manhood right now , and the women in my life older younger and the same age have asked me to step my game up for them …(my super hero calling the Cloud sign lol) .. I hear you Queens … I was raised by women and they made strong so I guess in strange way I do it for  them they part of my why to protect them… there some realness for you 

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