Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Fear ...what?

I have being beaten a up and I have being beaten down
I have had racist words pierce close to my soul as i wiped spit from my face
I am sad to say a times my own turned on .. and left me to dust .. maybe the wolves
I even fell in love once .. my heart was broken as the script had it written ..
And yet I fell in love again but in all of it there was no true fear
I had already lost my father and was threatened with loose of my mother
I have had bullets graze me, knives in my ribs cigarette put out on my arm
I have fallen from great heights and dared to rise again
I flirted with suicide ..
my body has being shaken illness to where I could see the light (haha)
but that’s was not true fear

true fear was when I sipped liquor and looked out at the world
4 things shook my soul
Insecurity became acceptable .. .. .. I felt fear
The idea of a soul had become obscure to most.. .. .. I saw fear
Children didn’t dream.. .. we stopped teaching them to dream their own and not our dreams ..fear came closer
Last but not least I thought for moment Mrgod had left me although he is right there with me i knew  fear ..
“child” Gerald Munengami

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