Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I think

They Tell me not to , but sometimes I think I think if they could accept me,  as i am ,
The little beauty in me Mr Godz gives all human beings and his creations
It would stop me from amplifying , My little  ugly when I am stupid enough to retaliate
To the hate they gave me , stupid enough not love myself in that action of self preservation and forget to love my self in the selfless... where there is no stress Ubuntu

Sometimes I think to stand
To stand apart from the crowd as well my own some time the true enemy is unknown
This place is exposed and vulnerable it is alone ... nah  not real i have my self  there we good.
I see courage in this place as well as tears of greatness pain and sacrifice ...treasure
Its not for the faint heated scared and the unbeliever this place dreams are your air and thin it hard to breathe its hard think  brute force focus
I fear it … but it draws me close it this place and speaks to me in small ways
Like god does a times ..  well most the time ... i confess most of the time when i listen to inner self

So ...?  Sometimes I think to stand up ….. And from up i look down from once I was ?
With out down there is no up , and up dares not to exist without down and more up
With out each other they can not be nebulous  but real...  so i question reality "whats up"?
Down is not a degrading place perspective , up just means there is better, there is hope and there is work to be done, so i laugh at the calculus of my hands soul and over loving heart do u want some ??
And from up I look upper (i made that up lol ) with a heart filled with humility gratitude and hope
And she speaks to me in simple ways this "up" person being
As my heavenly father does a times "knees down head up".. we call it knee dependant to gain independence...

And so... the story goes?
Sometimes I think to stand up and move
For even when we are still.. physic’s and chemistry states we move (fact)
Even when many of us move we are still not conscious ( get it) of it busy is not effective
So think I , I will just move even if it's in the wrong wayz and direction
At least that way my right can correct my wrong and we can move on and grow strong, how do you tell me about life if you never being through anything ... (under my breathe  hypocrites)
I personally wish to move with purpose and might and force the storm that became the Cloudness
If I had a nickname then let it be storm ... wait but i am .. "let go!"
 my scarz have alwayz being part of my beauty
A quiet storm, a sand storm , a fire storm ,a snow storm , a hurricane storm a potential storm !!
I move ...(laugh of madness ) this movement it speak to me in growth
This storm it speaks to me to in simple ways as Mr Godz does sometimes
All because sometimes I think ?

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