Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So much (i want to show you)

Closed eyes open, lost dreams found ... i am excited but yet scared  ... the first step is taken
Sons of the  Suns of africa the... dust rises... The foot falls as the ....first step is taken
Voice of ancient voices  awaken, the God with in  starts stretching
So much this world wants show me.... Rhythm  of  your soul has twin called  blues,the snakes slither ... a whale song heard from far way along  strong ... strong . the Gorilla for arm Nature its being so long since we talked... tears in my eye 

Bald head is doing you wrong
Stay a little while... let me watch the sun fall... sleep and will rise for  
you in the morn
she Rang out that  opera note Sounded the last thorn,
When through life  like a bull in Anitque shop ...but please  don’t kill the bull …ole
While still in the womb i heard so many echos on the outside in min dso many empty rooms 
The old man in the tree He plays a melody that surpasses the body Greets the souls age whispers in your ear Come on so much I want to show you
Let us go

Spread your wings cloud walker  come fly with me 

“child” Gerald Munengami

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