Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teaser -Dreams 2

The lover- Your neck your lips your breast as I tease your nipple you follow me as the sun and the moon, and the tender of your belly I breathe on it  to see you shiver, the firm of your thighs hold my finger prints , as I part them  the look in your eye.. don’t be embarrassed we’re grown....

 we can talk about these things , sweat and passion deep moans as you lay your soul on your skin so I can taste it, and steal your breathe when you want to scream .. but you can’t your nails make me bleed  touching  fire it’s like.. touch water its like ..? You are like..? I am like? Breathless spiritual and physical at the pinnacle when I look you in the eye and you can say ..(looking at her) .. .. you can say nothing

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