Thursday, September 28, 2017

The secret - teaser Family affair

The secret
Dee “Clouds not just going to give you his sperm ,besides what makes you think I’m allow him to even if he said yes ? you said naturally?”
Fafi “we have an agreement”
Dee “With Cloud that I don’t know about, that bastard I’m kill him ? then I am cut off his balls so nobody gets any sperm , then I am a ..”
Fafi “relax , my agreements not with Cloud it’s with her”
Dee (laughing half insane) “you made a deal with the devil for Clouds sperm, (looking at Cece) I can’t wait to bring you back to life so I can personally kill you myself, (looking at Fafi with dangerously Calm smile) please enlighten me on the details of agreement”

Cece shaking her head at Fafi…
Fafi “ After they got married Cece wanted a baby straight away, Cloud wanted to wait so she asked me to help in return, when the time was right I could have his sperm”
Dee “So how did you help ?”
Cece “She is confused… what i said was ”

Fafi “ no I am not … I am the one who put the Viagra and sleeping pills in the vodka for you, when he finally passed out we carried him to the bedroom together…..

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