Friday, February 19, 2016

34 Hypothetical... Future sweetness unwrapped

Hypothetically … hypothetical

if you called 911 and I would be the one to come running to protect, honour, serve, love you tender more than your body and rescue you from loneliness, I don’t always claim to understand you but without question I accept you for who you are masks off… I am well trained in mouth to mouth resuscitation, random kisses, touching that doesn’t always lead to sex but I do, do requests lol and good conversation...

I am trying to read this love story we writing and turn to the next page but we seem to be stuck in this inconclusive chapter, where you need to understand I have nothing to do with your past, I would never disrespect you by bringing my ex-girlfriend psychologically into our bed, sometimes I find myself defending myself from you for something he did, there is reason why we call it a new chapter
Free to have any future we want .. but imprisoned by our past in your heart… I don’t want the fairy tale to crumble… if we reach little bit further I can almost feel the happily ever after. We could be truly free if you trust me because I trust you or we can keep looking backward and say yes a masta
Please shake off the memories of the last man, (laughing) I swear it sounds like heaven when I hear your laughter... I am your number 1 fan funny I am the rapper, I think I am take you to the bedroom and find out how sweet it is when open up the wrapper… ummm

Hypothetically …

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