Friday, February 19, 2016

33 Hypothetical -Roles reversed

Hypothetically … hypothetical
If this was the last conversation, we would have until eternity… what would you say to me ? if angels came out of the sky and said they were here to take me home and we could share one last embrace how long would you hold me for …
If the tables were turned and I was your rib and you were the first mould from clay, how would you treat me, because lady I will admit as a man we as a collective not “I”, we dropped the ball in how we do it… for that I am sorry
Would you come to my rescue if I cried out mayday? Actually would you come to my rescue me if I cried period, would you rescue me if I was too proud to cry, you see as man I get hit places you can’t see and bleed in actions called dysfunctionality, I don’t need you to do what the last generation did and you tolerate me, rescue me by the way you talk honour cover love  and hold me …
If I was strange fruit hanging from popular tree’s swaying in the wind eyes popped out, blood on my hand blood on my knees where they beat me to would you be the first one to run through the crowd at the risk of joining and cut me down, hold my cold body and breathe life back into me my queen because in 2016 as a black male  I am swaying from that tree…
Hypothetically …

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