Monday, February 15, 2016

29 hypothetical Uneducation of my future wife

Hypothetically …hypothetical

Anita baker told me to love you mind body and soul, I might try and steal your breath away, but as for your heart  I would prefer that you hand it to me … I am ready, eyes and hands wide open my super hero ability is knowing what’s in my hands is fragile and treating it with maturity …

Part of Why I am “gone” for you is because you know how to talk to and treat a man and make wana stay, in fact you make me wana all day from making love to when we pray, how do you catch feelings when emotions run wild, I gave up my boyish ways for you, and you didn’t demand it of me, I just wanted to be better and yet what I feel is pure like when I was child (the braggadocios).

The mis-education of my future wife, I want to un teach all the pain and habits you developed because of men before me and just the things that happened in life, besides wanting to beat the shit out those men I want to thank them because the pleasure is now mine, the task ahead is daunting but I got it… the downing of a mind, kiss by kiss brick by brick I am remove the wall you built with jot of each line, a king not prince charming I am grown, I am a lion where the Princes were lying.
I am frustrated B, you see I know you feel me, and yet you won’t take a teaspoon of my loving because you know it’s the remedy, have ever heard the term addicted to pain if god ordained it we are one flesh so when you hurting you all by self you hurt me. I even let the little boy in me step out the shadows he whispers to the little girl in you I want to dance, I want to talk openly, and when nobody is looking be the silly we.

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