Hypothetically … hypothetical
(looking left looking right) come
closer “can I talk to you for minute I need some advice lord, father”
see when you love somebody … that selfless… sacrificial love, that one flesh love , act a fool and be patient
with that ass, love food taste better when you cook it love (laughing) you want
to protect that person, sometimes even from yourself while still fighting the enemy
inner me, lord knows I had to fight my own demons to become a man worthy of
receiving her love after all God don’t like ugly, I ain’t perfect but I am
better she didn’t change me I changed my self-that’s that sacrificial love less me for more of her… and I am still working on it
call me greedy I want some more of her. Sometimes you want to protect someone
you love from themselves, “one flesh love” is sometimes a curse because if they
hurt I hurt, but that person they hurting the most is themselves and if you try
fight for them you break the first law because you will hurt them… as a man your
hands feel tied, nothing worse than a man feeling helpless because you don’t
feel like a man at all especially when your brave enough to love... let me tell
you something, men (laughing to himself) men don’t love often but when we do we love violently but that’s another
story. When I met her our eyes was on Mr Gods we bumped into each other two
strangers in the dark, feeling hoping … not even sure what we was looking for,
just knowing it was there and we would know when we found it and it would know
The first thing she ever did was offer me an apple to eat as a sign of her kindness,
she held it in her hand… know, I done eaten apples before in my lifetime but
this one tasted sweeter in her hands “that when she cook it taste better love”…
the first thing I ever did for her was offer her my hand, you see when a birds
being in cage for a long time you can leave the cage door open and it won’t
leave because that’s all it knows, its
afraid of free it doesn’t know what free looks like (me lol) taste like smell
like and yes there is struggle but its bigger and better than the cage of past
hurt and doesn’t choke you like a cynic … My hand was out there along time … I waited,
I didn’t judge, I don’t know what kind of cage she was in nor how long she was
in it for, I don’t know how they treated her while she was in the cage or what
she ate where she slept… right know I do know… I don’t know …

I waited in the sunlight,
moon light, candle light, no light with my hand out and watched as she hurt
herself with fear of the unknown, she was free but she lived in a cage, and her
fear tormented me because of that one flesh love …. So I put my hand down so I could
breathe, she was happy and sad, she was afraid if I did not put my hand up
again hope would die … Mr wind whispered in ear, “that man right over there no
man will love you the way he wants to, no man will tolerate you like that man
there”… There was something in her eyes that pleaded with so despite my arm
being sore I raised my arm again and ….
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