Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cold Doses of reality "Crazy enough to love me" teaser

“Don’t you dare question my parenting skills or my love for my daughter, you people have the nerve with your lies and twisted ass narrative of shadow truths and versions, you have the nerve to question my “y”. You care more about your coffee, your image on social media fake, and where your dog shits , more thank question where your children are ? Who they with? And where they are emotional at? When I talk to daughter she gets all of my attention, eye contact and affirmation she is precious , not a text or a voice from the back of a phone  screen, We are ubantu we don’t raise our children we connect and nurture them “kurera”- imprint myself in her, she gets me and I turn up, all of me . We live in New Zealand  a country with highest suicide rate in the world, if that’s good parenting then don’t …just don’t tell me how to raise mine I want to keep her alive thank you. The majority of suicides amongst ethnic youth are a direct result of racial bullying by your seeds, and you think I am send my daughter out into the big bad world a black girl emotionally mentally and ass whoop naked, you got the wrong one  and yes I taught her how to fight I am Sensi,  and my questions who teaching the racism and bulling it’s in the school or in the homes and you want to talk to me about parenting the pot calling the kettle black…I will be dammed if I bury my daughter or mine because the seed doesn’t fall far from the tree your kids are a reflection of your ass, some body … you! are raising these savages monsters and verbal murders, you don’t have to squeeze the trigger to be the murderer , just give the order that’s a cold doses or reality my daughter has to face  to survive you can not be trusted , that stupid girl outside the door attacked my seed and she is lucky she only lost 2 teeth action have consequences just us not justice,  and I would tell my daughter to do it again , and again , and again until yours get it through there thick skull them days of yes a master are gone for good, I knew taking her  from home school to this bullshit this was likely to happen ... the education system failed your children so what its ssupposed to do for mine? 

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