Monday, July 31, 2017

Series 2 ... Cloud , Sammy and Fafi the happy dysfunctional family

“Crazy enough to love me” The new addition is the daddy daughter series starting in series 2. 

A very transparent intimate, raw painful a times and humouress relationship between the two . As In dimension 3 Cloud attempts to School Samantha about not only the double standards she must navigate as a young black woman in the world, but the double standards she must be ready to fight and out think  in the confusion/battle of the sex’s. The juice is in the battle every man must face when his daughter reaches puberty… slowly resentfully letting the little girl grow into her woman hood, holding on and letting go close enough to guard need be , but far back enough to let her make her own mistakes so she grow to be strong… breathing  hope into her lungs and yet being the one to try and guide her through the cold realities of society without dis enfranchising her. And we have the unofficial wife Fafi and best friend of Cloud, an extremely absurd friends with privileges that went so right its going wrong, Fafi whom after 12 years of raising Samantha as her own daughter filling in the Oshun energy to feminity  feels her biological clock ticking and she wants a Baby of her own by Cloud and that last official commitment level … marriage … but wait there is more lol stay tuned

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