I remember the first time you said it “Dad I want to be just like you”
every man worth his salt in swet beats his chest when he hears it for the first
time from his son“ little man wants to be just like me lol did you hear
that Mr God like me …?”Until those words hit his soul and that man thinks to
himself “ but you don’t know what it took to make me little man I was born in
hell fire, if i told you some of things I had to endure and survive to be me…
your toes would cure and your hair would turn grey and maybe your heart would
turn grey just from listening, I don’t show you my scars not to be deceptive but
to avoid making you a Cynic of life to early”
“I am sorry Troy I promised to protect you to your father to your mother most important to you and I failed because I believed there lies I knew the evil they are and trusted them with something as precious as your life, they say he who doesn’t not protect his children is worse than infidel sorry will not bring you back… (His stomach tightens he almost throws up… his voice in my head)
slowed down, it felt like I had left my body and I watched as my soul cringed
slowly and painfully, it’s the strangest experience to be the third person watching
like a voyeur of your own life and feeling sorry for yourself, for the first time
in my life I was feeling and experiencing something totally new and I did not
like it at all, no sir not one single bit. It had nothing to do with me as a human
being and who I was as person, it had nothing to do with who I was in Ubuntu,
it had nothing to do with the good teachings my loving parents have tried to
impart into me to make me a good man. It made my inner light dim, it made my
ears deafen toward the sweet whispers of the ancestors, the worst part was that
it made feel distant from Mr Gods, whatever it was it truly ugly “get it off me !” “Get it out
of me!”, As I watched myself struggle
with it, I had never ever felt so helpless. For the first time ever in my life
with my nap pulsing and my muscles shaking, they had found a way to make me feel
hatred and it was toward them, as the salvia slowly dripped down my cheek from
the place that it had landed.
speaking to myself]
to my inner king….
up!… I need you to wake up again. I know that I am the one who did it… did this
to us, it’s my fault, I am the one who lay you down to sleep, but please
understand that I only did it to protect you from an enemy who was hell bent on
destroying you in your infancy before you had learnt how to war and survive the
strange assassins of manhood and brutish emasculating force of life designed by
them the bald heads, the problem lies in this you have being asleep so long
that a part of you has forgotten who you are, you started becoming a king while
you were still in your slumber, but when I had laid you down to sleep you were
a prince, and as a prince precious lessons on how to war were missed, when
you were violently woken up in chains and they fooled you into believing
you’re a slave. But of late your deep inner thoughts betray you with
visions of crowns family history and glory, your soul dares you to hold your
chest up with a pride and dares you to beat to let the ancestors know that you still
here … while you whisper ancient prayers into the wind and talk with the sky,
your intellect has deducted that somethings amiss and your nostril hair burns
because of the scent of the deeply rooted lie about your identity burns, your
heart has spoken to you with words that are foreign to them but you understand
each letter clearly, but these words don’t make sense to your circumstance… as
you question and quiz yourself … when was the last time you ran free in
paths of your own mind and the plans of your own land of true originality, when
was the last time the inner beasts in you roared so loud they garnered
the heavens attention and shook hell itself, your roar was so pure with life
and essence your lungs were empty and all pain and frustration was
elevated, all who heard the roar in the inner sanctum of your head fell
to one knee and you were once again the master of your fate and the feeler
of own heart…
wake up… wake up please
give you my word as it is bond and if I must I will draw my own blood to make a
mark that I will I will never make you sleep again, this is the last time ever
that we will be parted one heart one soul one mind, I will war for you, without
you I am incomplete and our separation was like a walk through hell and time
felt like an eternity … don’t open your eyes because they are already open … I
need you to wake up for me, we are the last of our kind a dying breed and if
you don’t wake up soon we will be extinct … Wake to me … reign as your
ancestors did to my inner king… Dziva wake up!
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