Sunday, February 19, 2017

"don't text me " ....Letter to my future wife 25

They don't get it Ma they don’t get us, why you don't get mad at me when I tell you don't text me, I don’t want to I need to hear your voice B, I don’t want to be like them living a lie two people that  say that they are together but they're as  far as  foreigners like two strangers in a crowd open mouths no sound, I want to read how your feeling by the vibrations emotions in your sound as real as bare feet touching the ground emotions build up like ants and mound. I Promise you Ma, with me , you will never feel like your unseen in my palms a woman a human being ( i am always staring anyway lol) to connect and be your study I can’t say my better half I say the other side of my human being the softer understanding  of my humanity.

Arguments when we do we are quick to dissipate the three cords that bind us aren’t easy to break, relax and open up to me, intimacy and sex is abundant on tap when you want it,  nurturing feminine energy flows inside your veins unashamed I want to soak it up and drown in it, and if you’re not feeling not loved enough ask me to open up my male energy from a honest place , I'll go into over flow here it is drink it out my heart cup, I still learning  and it might take a life time so don’t get mad at me be my teacher and correct me , I am trying to learn how to see through your words actions and moods to get to the root cause, that's what the random kisses are for the moment when I listen and my soul tells me we both need some love and to pause…  can you hear out hearts ticking

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