Saturday, February 11, 2017

soul kiss 12 "in the beginning"

"In the beginning was the word and the word was the truth and from the abundance of the heart a man speak so I knew you were the truth" and that you loved me, you let me be my authentic self … at all times when I am around you we keep it 100. You see my strengths and wisdom a you appreciate them praise them and recognize… you see my weakness insecurities and short coming accept the and don’t critize I am trying to go deep but it’s hard looking angels eyes… sorry I am back and when it come to my short comings and demons you support me  and help me through… I guess Mr God wasn’t lying when said woman is you help mate like Sean Paul said that Glue. Mutual  respect Queen we are each other dairy where our views  or voice  our opinions are safe and always considered  not just heard but listened to, not sound waves bouncing off a wall , but like photosynthesis when light fall. Queen I love that with you I get to be me no mask …you see me stumble through the mist of manhood as I change and shift and grow let me be free even when it makes you a bit uncomfortable with out the expectation of being the same person who you met, I do the same for you we grow. In your eyes in heart in voice I find trust honesty compassion respect different minds but one vision compromise compassion selflessness and to the best of your ability not seeking perfection in simple words your value system reflects mine that’s why I say I see diamonds in her eyes her soul reflects mine … real talk yeah we argue have difference in opinion but trust and truth guide us through, I would rather save the “us” and be happy than be right…  and when I yield and you know you’re wrong, we use this magical word people in 2017 don’t use “sorry”  we see the light … and do what got to do to build a home, like I promised you will never be alone in crowd again lover and friend flesh of my flesh bone of bone , you can sit in these arms sacred is position and your thrown… you give without expecting nothing in return we call it for ever love  passion is the fire we on slow burn … love you 

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