Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Brothers

The Brothers…
“You ain’t spending time with the fellas no more, Cloud spends so much time in the pussy  he has Either taken a mortgage in it or paying rent I am just saying”
“ummm  you need to keep my woman’s pussy out your mouth ?”
“ nah nigga we aint talking about her pussy  we talking about yours” [they laugh but I am not amused]
“Hell no, you’re in my house eating my food drinking my beer filling my toilet wasting my tissues paper you better show some respect up in here before I kick all of you out, you desert dick having dry knob, right hand is bigger than my left hand, cold blanket sleeping, tumble weed in the pants, pillow hugging, lonely ass, none pussy getting mother fuckers, at least it rains in my forest … do we still want to talk about my pussy”  [silence]
“your cold man artic ass cold  why .. really you had to go there”

“first class paid for in cash your ordered the ticket you can dish out  bitches ..get your ass out the kitchen if you can’t handle the heat”

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