Sunday, May 7, 2017

Series 2 teaser … chapter - letters to my unborn

Series 2 teaser … chapter - letters to my unborn   

I was a very lost little boy in the dark trying to fill a void it is here I learnt to cry like an adult with a false sense of dignity and not like a child with all emotion and hurt such as to take my soul to laundry mat as Mr God had designed tears for, I learnt one of the great lies of being an adult while I still 7,how to be a true thespian to look normal and well-groomed on the surface while my soul was in torment walking the on coals of hell searching for significance and self-worth, when you arrive in this world and live long enough there are things that you will go through that words will fail to describe some of them good and some of them well you will figure it out , these moments will be yours and yours alone, these moments will be the places where people fail to understand you and often you will be aware that you walk with Mr God and god alone all your life ... and my father passing was one of them for me. Anyway the problem is that I knew him (my father) as a child would know his father , pretty much as a super hero with a cape and spandex an immortal a Demi God , who could do anything and the only other true father I knew was Mr God and I assure that has being a very complicated relationship for lack of relationship, Who in himself is perfection so atime I can’t relate just trust ? The dilemma for me came as I grew older, there was not only a need for guidance but a need to understanding my frailties and shortcomings as well as my strengths and gifts, my quirkiness, the heart inside of my chest that seemed schizophrenic one day it wants to lay down and die and the next moment it was defiant fiery it would lift its middle finger at life and says bring it on.

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