In some ways I feel like my work is not for this generation although I write for all people races and genders , if anything it's for a small group in society I refer to as the 10% which in reality is 20% in and out fluctuating by pain and personal experiences, I would say my works not a head of its time from a place of arrogance , but ahead of the hearts and “drown” deep for many souls whom have fallen asleep and fear truth because there own pain and narrative is now the normal, damaged in child hood, teenage experiences and the disappoints of young adult hood the "not where i wanted to be" of today, after all that trauma of life, hope is often a double edge sword , and in my own words we stop loving the way Mr God designed freely, un-apologetically to connect and hurt hard simultaneously ... and find meaning in it not run from it , to be students of life and self and be sure to leave this earth on empty.
When one
speaks about how hard it is to be a man and gruesome lonely that comes with
being a man and the performance there in as we engrained from child hood and
the un-education that brings freedom , women wonder why we suddenly ...we
leave, cheat and die early we do all of before you see them we just know
how to perform. here in lies many answers truth , they raise an eyebrow at you
and say we don't know what your talking about while they live the night mare
and sleep in the torcher chamber of deeply rooted lie not knowing happiness is
a truth away if you wade the pain. When you peel off the masks off and wash off
the make up of the pain of fatherless generations and the twists and the
turns in the narrative we tell our self to medicate the pain to bring true
healing to self because only truth can heal, they look at you like you
crazy ... they ridicule as think "please don’t expose me" ....
So i am very aware i don’t write for every body and honestly i am comfortable
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