did you know 9 i fought For u

Did you know you made me
fight for dear life with "Acceptance" and learn to "Surrender", when i realised i
loved you as much or more than myself i fought it (love that is ) my spiritual
eyes were black and blue, knuckles bleeding ... past pain and disappoints are weird
feelings in the ring and sometimes we give them more power than we should have i almost lost.
Picking up and putting down phone on late nights second guessing “should I call
her” knowing the feeling was as real as the fear lies… the fight made me the salmon fighting the current going up stream
so much energy wasted the result of hard headiness, the seed that was
watered and nurtured ( we met) and i was afraid of your sun so I cracked up through soil (i engaged) but grew slowly very slowly (i hesitated withdrew when vunlerable)... Sweet surrender was when i lost someone close lol not you i was
painfully reminded time is all we have and tomorrow is not promised for all the
money and fear in the world , the painful revelation that i like feeling like a
fool around you not knowing was okay, old as i am teenage stomach butterflies
hands searching for hands while talking and walking, good byes that lasted an
eternity on street corners and phones, surrender when heard Mr God shouted in
anger you asked i gave stop asking for what you already have and enjoy
already, surrender was when I woke up before you and realised I wanted to be
here every morning to enjoy the view...Acceptance was my cocoon as
the cater pillar and butterfly transformed and when it was done I left its job
was done (the coccon that is) surrender is the flight I am in dancing in the wind with you

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