Thursday, August 3, 2017

text 18 i seen't you

Mudikanwi- (loved one)
Dam ... we seent each other a life time you were alone in crowd you are not alone now , we laugh as we tell our grandchildren crazy stories and disagree about the right versions that’s rightly wrong we stil strong ... what i seen't then i still see know and can't describe but what a life has being, I was taught to fight for what I I fight for you, i can still feel it that's while grey and old strong ever we hold hands it’s in the vibe,  they strong they will do crazy like us they will find at the end of the  look at how strong we grow the tribe... we seent each other at lowest point  bonds cemented and welded in hell fire unbreakable after certain point the promise held honest, push pull  drag crawl hobble run fly swagga not so pretty we got through Makata -(translated the hills we climbed to survive)... we would never have made it without our old friend forgiveness… I mess up you mess up we mess kiss and make up we bless up , i seen you in scriptures, i seen you dreams and unfinished pictures you grab my hand tighter I aint going no part of the promise it with you, i seent you and heard you long annoying lectures loves sectors we stand love spectators I they can take everything but I forget you , i seent your naked body change and i seent your souls light remain the same i seent you nurture our child you drive and clam one word wild , i seent you get crazy and buck wild we look forward we walk another mile… I do my best for fail but it and paint you  a smile, i stay like and earth , love rebirth scars are funny when understand pain worth love hurt, like African hustle we shit work...(wink) we dont need anythings that not us

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