Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Did you know 8 truths

Did you know That the  TRUTH of our marriage  would be America’s great lie but definitely our truth ? “It’s not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you ” service .. i am at your service. It aint about me Boo surprise but you? Service that’s how we get to the “grow old and grey together” place in one piece  and stand the storms of life. When I picked you I was drawn to the act of your humanity and  kindness ... good looks were a bonus... a giver and a pleaser and so i asked Mr Gods, change my heart take away my boyish ways man me up so I can equally please her . When two pleasers connect I promise you it feels like heaven on the earth we speak two different languages (venus and mars ) we became bilingual for real closeness none that hocus pocus, we fight, something goes wrong plus lifes curve balls we simply just press reset , built on respect built paid for cash  no credit cards or cheques just swet, a strange yin and it wasn’t it plan but works, the more I please you the more you please me  that’s why your my weezy for sheezy … believe  me , you  could leave me if you wanted  because any man saying he could love you better is a liar

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